………And the rain descended,and the floods came ,and the winds blew,and beat upon that house ; and it fell:and great was the fall of it.
- MATTEW 7:24 – 27.
The mighty wonder I see is the standing eloquence of a skyscraper,the magnificence of such height and complexity is outstanding.more outstanding is the sheer process involved-Foundation, pillars, stages, stages, stages.
A gentle walk around the building site was all I intended (having sorted the approval),its so hard keeping my attention straight with the dancing of the dust, sounds bouncing all over and workers bumping into me, clambering all over – barely noticing me. not long after wards I observe the labourers slowing down their work pace and looking in my direction.i was almost so sure something wasn’t aright with me,but found none…and the stare continued.
Quick one – stop the music, remove the ear piece and look around- that I did and there stood the module of attention.
He was literarily barking and pointing at a section of the building and referring back to the large blue print at hand. A handful of personnels around him just looked on in witty embarrassment(he was even more enraged by such blankness).He must most definitely be the chief architect.A distant folks around me (looking like remoulded Egyptian mummys in white paste) whispered amongst themselves “oga don start be dat” “no dey wey hin come,na so so complain”.A smile expanded on my face ,the silly fellows thought I was acknowledging their comments-they felt more encouraged.
“bloody artisans, bloody artisans ,cant they listen to simple instructions…..”the chief architect’s voice ranted on.(he must have had the usual experience with the Nigerian artisans)
My thoughts grained back to the structure in front of me and the people working on her,I tried to propel myself to think as the chief architect-he had every right to scream as he wished-time and money has been invested into this PROJECT.I took a rueful grin at some of these nutt cracked head workers ,a couple of them could just be compromising his duties not understanding why they have to be chary and perfect in approach.
The situation and the structure seems more apprehensive to human growth or resurrection. Angels and demons working side by side on the human structure on different levels (looking like a progressive cornubation).what the enemy intends for bad turns out good.
We grow to have a dozen incompatible philosophies dancing about in our head a fertile construction site for the demons to be at WORK. Our minds in a phase of doctrines being true or false, Academic or practical, outworn or contemporary, conventional or ruthless.
Aa a living structure that we are ,so many things are at work within us, these things working within us either MAR or MAKE US into a confounding failure or the ultimate structure according to blue print.
Yet in all of this there is a little hole for the devil to awaken our reasoning(nevertheless not his plans to do that ,talk about “all things working out for our good”)
What the devil aims is to make us attend to frivolous universal issues and withdrawing from the stream of immediate sense experiences – reason with me ,when you accredit vast amount of unskilled artisans to work on a master piece,what do you expect a few years down the line-you’re right TOTAL COLLAPSE.
A quick pause at the base of the structure, throws me to thoughts “WHAT DO I THINK MOST?,WHO OR WHAT IS AT WORK WITHIN ME? –Unskilled ARTISANS OR PROFESSIONALS concluding the answers to that will tell me how my end future will look like.
Have a great day ya all.
“the wrong perception from the human race
about the demons is to disbelieve in their existence
,the other is to believe and feel an excessive uninterest
in them.they themselves are equally pleased by both errors.
-C.s lewis (screwtape letters)