“The day you sin,you will die says God
Justice must be served.
Satan’s contextual thought
“God loves Adam
God hates sin
If I can put what God loves in what God hates, and put what God hates in what God loves. theeeeeeen if God kills what he hates he will be killing what he loves, if God sustains what he loves he will be sustaining what he hates.
I think I will give God a dilemma.”(Unfortunately satan was just living out the script God had already written.)
So in all of this logic,I’ve been trying to get myself out of this predicament.(though highly unsuccessful).so what do I do with all this junk in me –masturbating,envy,jealousy,strife,lust,anger,cheating,murder,coveting,greed, lies ,the list is endless (did you just raise your judgmental eyebrow at my context, yeah right like you’re any better)
Ok back to me,
Living out this kind of growing and devouring lifestyle, an endless circle of pray for forgiveness then sin,pray forgiveness,sin again,pray forgiveness then sin and so on (you know how it goes, you do that too).So just in the same thought ful process as satan asked ,I asked myself “what practical way can I improve my mind status at least if I can’t totally clear the table.
And ‘pop’ comes the idea, like a bulb on ma head (now I feel like the moment in cartoons where the light is shinning on me, eyes pooping, big grin and a acending chorus on G note as soundtrack).
So I turned to the ideology of LIGHT HYPNOSIS. (“he is losing it “i hear you say,but just wait nah!)
All I did was to create another circle for myself –cutting off early morning radio addiction, and several other things I listen to or watch –( am not so good at reading the bible so I presume this new circle will lead me to attentive reading).Selected audio messages on of preferred preachers and motivators, worship songs and then I created a loop –over and over I listened to them, (it was so crazy that when I sleep I hear the messages from my subconscious, I see words in text). even when am not listening I still play it ,I might catch a helpful word or phrase –who knows-
Ok so the hypnosis is proving successful, my mind was beginning to replace words in my head – am driving am listening to the audio messages, am walking am listening, am working am listening …….(get yourself a ipod maan)
Gradually my mouth started speaking what I’ve been listening to .nevertheless distractions came ,quite challenging being regimented but I kept the circle. soon enough I felt a part of the junk signing out or shifting aside to allow room for more positive grounds. Its almost like when you enter a commercial bus and you have to nicely tell the passengers to adjust further for you to sit well.
After several weeks of this continuous experiment, it dawned on me the part in the bible where paul spoke about renewing of the mind-“…….but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,so that you may prove what is good,…….” Rom 12:2
Waow how practical and logical, see am already trying to PROVE the perfect will of God.
So as satan actualized those plans (1st paragraph), God had already planned his coming to reincarnate himself to justify us – Heb 9:19
It was a well COOKED PLAN.
Satan thought his plan was the end – TOTAL CONDEMNATION- (ask Vincent price of thriller to say those words,add some soundeffects to it and it will sound better)
But really all had been fixed, we just needed to create the circle.
Unless you wanna enjoy wanking yourself to gloom or keep at the mediocre lifestyle with your negative thoughts, then you better get yourself together and start the light hypnosis.