this multitude

...... Auguries of earth, what cheer ?......

...... auguries of Heaven, bid where ?.....

Monday, November 29, 2010

HuMan EruPtion

“……..And God said-let the waters under the sky be gathered to one place, and let the dry ground appear.And it was so.God called the dry ground “land” and the gathered waters he called “seas”. And God saw it was GOOD”     Gen 1:9-14
I would have been tagged “senile,he’s disillusioned” if I got to the middle of a sea and said “now see right on this place lies a sandwitch island with great people.(quick reference would be michealangelo who saw a marble stone and said behold here sits moses with the 10 commandments).
It is beyond reasoning to have made a logical conclusion that one of the volcanoes on earth was in progressive obedience of an earlier command –“let the water under the sky be gathered to one place ,and let dry ground appear….”(God spoke of a land that wasn’t there yet.
How thrilling to have spoken something into existence,and not see it yet.Some millions of years ago ,a certain volcano 210  18’  N, 1570  51’ W ,slowly and progressively started obeying the word (call it long term docility) that said “…….Let the dry ground appear” Behold ,an island appears!. Fast track the continuous process of molten lava erupting and solidifying in seconds, (this process looped for about a million years) 
What result do you get?   HAWAII
Hawaii –an island appearing out of  nowhere (kinda reminds of movie visual effects),to many I would be a god if I had predicted the emerging island with all accuracy .by historical fact these emergence process is just one out of many.
Now I come back home with this question? How many more things are yet to emerge by the already spoken WORD of God ?
Now narrowing it down to humans, it means we’re SPOKEN WORDS (If u get what I mean, be smart meeeeeeeeeeeen…….).Imagine you were not yet born,it will not remove or replace the fact that you’ve already been spoken – waiting to EMERGE on the literal terms ,daddy erupts into mummy or man into woman (what an explosion it is!)
Then comes the second stage – you are born only to later start asking the famous question “WHO AM I?” “WHAT IS MY PURPOSE?” (Hawaii as an island must have asked those questions before it was discovered).
Your emerging process continues for another banana years ,this being the SPOKEN WORD still at play ,then you die.yet the spoken word remains active. Summarize it this way  -Born ,Live ,Die.
Please allow me to be interested in the middle one.

What are you Living for?
Your eruptions or other’s eruption (now keep your mind clean,this eruption is not the man/woman eruption,rather it’s the Human lava eruptions)
I beckon not to over emphasize the concept of the SPOKEN WORD but it will do you and humanity some good to ask yourself the question “what am I living for?” afterwards you can return to your questionable routine life ,at least  I have given you a problem to think about.
When you begin to erupt ,and finally emerge you’ll be discovered just as the polynesians discovered and replenished on Hawaii.
The hard part is –how to keep erupting.
Do have a ......... day figuring that out.

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