this multitude

...... Auguries of earth, what cheer ?......

...... auguries of Heaven, bid where ?.....

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Be job and not a job

The Lord said to satan, “very well then,everything he has is in your hands,but on the man himself do not lay a finger.Then satan went out from the presence of the Lord” –Job 1:12
Hello peeps, Christmas was quite studed,(at least the concept of its purpose is still very prominent and honoured in my thoughts).
So Christmas came and strolled on,well ill say welcome to the repentance week (yeah ,that week where everone prepares for a new year.)
Ok,ok I intend to make this article brief. Am back on the issue of job to wrap up the year. Satan leaving the presence of God must have felt like a sleek assassin working for the American government. Apparently he might have made calls to his agents saying “I got a job”.
What would the new year welcome i ask – is it tragedy, sorrow, joy, war, fear, regression, famine, victory, deliverance etcin all I know how job in the bible would have reacted if he was in our time –PATIENCE and  THANKSGIVING.
Yep that’s the key, challenges are inevitable but am sure those two key  words do work.
Bottom line is satan always has a job to do on us but the question is are you going to be like job,
So in the new year ,don’t let satan make you his JOB but you be JOB.
Chao, happy new year. promise to explore more on the human existence and how to be a better man.{what the frag is wrong with these boko haram numbs,jeeeezz} All I know is we are not of this world, and there’s more to you.
Thanks for visiting and kindly register.
mad goodies is coming your way in 2012,hey i mean part of something big.

Pleased to meet you

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a mans soul and faith
And I was round when jesuschrist
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game
I stuck around st. petersburg
When I saw it was a time for a change
Killed the czar and his ministers
Anastasia screamed in vain
I rode a tank
Held a generals rank
When the blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank
Pleased to meet you ……-sympathy for the devil by the Rolling Stones
In Job1:6-7 Satan reintroduced himself<reannounced his resume to Jehovah.
Clearly by the lyrics of the song above,is is ok to sat satan was fair enough have introduced himself.Satan has always introduced himself one way or another yet his introduction is considered as DECEPTIVE.
Ok get this> “A guy comes to you and introduces himself  “Hi,I am killer,and I’m going to kill you”,you respond and say “And how do you intend to do that” the killer says “with Honey”>silly you says “waowcoooool”
Technically speaking satan’s deception is his introduction,Now am asking  if  that would imply to us as humans._ who you introduce yourself as is the real you.
Gazing at my phone one day, the screen switched to sleep mode, and suddenly the screen mirrored the image of my face,glaring at my features “hello me” I said, “who am I?” a long call question.
Saint paul almost concluded he knew all about himself until he found something else at work within –Romans 7:23-25.Taking time to settle the war WITHIN makes it easier for you to call for peace WITHOUT.
INNER PEACE – waow that is such a climax feeling, makes it so easy to introduce myself to every situation, person and circumstances. Only a woman who gave birth can tell you the feeling of the relieve afterwards (immediately the baby is out).it is impressive to illogically  sum it up that satan had experienced his own INNER PEACE, meaning he concluded who he was (disobedient rascal),despite it wasn’t what God wanted for him.This action gave him a new tittle from LUCIFER  to SATAN.
Looking closely at the movie “passion of the Christ”,Christ attained his INNER PEACE in the garden after praying a while, with sweat and lamenting. He rose thereafter with a fresh breath of relieve(for He was now at peace with the will of the father and his destiny)”let Your will be done” he said, Jesus  laboured enough to clearly know and understand the mind of God. He was no more at war with Nothing. Coming out of the garden His next introduction would go thus  ”This is who  I am –A Lamb for the world”-  “pleased to meet you Jesus” I would say.
I seek daily for the opportunities to attain this INNER PEACE (so that I can introduce myself better to the world)
Hoi !iaint talking about the popular super star trend ,creepy things that peeps say “AM ONE WITH NATURE,blablabla”.am talking about ,being aligned with the mind of God as concerns YOU, where you are ,what you are, your next step e.t.c except you attain that peace you will always be at war within.
Process 1:Always be grateful and thankful to God. maybe soon you will introduce yourself.”Hi, am grateful,am here to give thanks”
“Pleased to meet you” I will say.

Monday, November 7, 2011




Jealousy ,chop alone,  Abuse housemaid, lies, police cell, unjustified slap, rage, back biting, more anger, misplaced, rape once, mediocrity, cover up, secrets, bad secrets, raped twice, over spend, drunk driving, set up, deception, spy, glutton, over confidence, covetous, desperate, burn evidence, denial,” this is the last time”, broken,  hatred, unforgiving,  “it’s  my first”, shameful, police net, addiction, “uncle touches me”, slave master, Agnostic, suicidal, pervert, lust, lazy, fetish, human trading, abusive, “he doesn’t deserve her”, gay, rape again, poisoned, hit and run, heart breaker, stripper, questions, “I am a bastard”, sex worker, blood sacrifice, unfaithful, twisted words, infectious, hypnotize, hypocrite, abortion, speed, infidelity, gambling, doubts, impersonate, cold feet, crucified, resentful, “it was her fault”, fake, empty promise, “can’t share”, “don’t mix with them”, hopeless, shrewd, “whatever it takes”, “he made me to it”, selfish climax, “I am pregnant”, “this can’t be happening”, abductor, unthankful, “I am fat”, ingrate, “I am not your kind”, rumor, irresponsible, ”one more and I’ll leave”, nepotism, “am done”, criticize, cover up, fake smile, religious, “you’re a disappointment”, flesh eaters, envy, greed, ignorant, adultery, liar, witchcraft, enslave, “you slept with a  dog”, blood feast, atheist, impatient, “am a bastard!”, ingrate, misunderstood, fraudster, “am a disgrace”, “I did it again”, snub, nymph, addicted, denigrate, break promises,  procrastinate, “nobody loves me”, “no good can come out of you”, animalistic, self degrading, “can’t do better than this”, hopeless, burnt out, “I need death”, fear, frail, “am I cursed”, ungrateful, wife beater, despise, displace, shut down, “I’ll rape her”, egoistic, insomnia, “am I really ugly”, haughty, “am tired, totally tired”, condescend.

Somewhere in there is YOU
Somewhere in there is ME.

Monday, August 15, 2011


“The day you sin,you will die says God
Justice must be served.
Satan’s contextual thought
“God loves Adam
 God hates sin
If I can put what God loves in what God hates, and put what God hates in what God loves. theeeeeeen if God kills what he hates he will be killing what he loves, if God sustains what he loves he will be sustaining what he hates.
I think I will give God a dilemma.”(Unfortunately satan was just living out the script God had already written.)

So in all of this logic,I’ve been  trying to get myself out of this predicament.(though highly unsuccessful).so what do I do with all this junk in me –masturbating,envy,jealousy,strife,lust,anger,cheating,murder,coveting,greed, lies ,the list is endless (did you just raise your judgmental eyebrow at my context, yeah right like you’re any better)
Ok back to me,
Living out this kind of growing and devouring lifestyle, an endless circle of pray for forgiveness then sin,pray forgiveness,sin again,pray forgiveness then sin and so on (you know how it goes, you do that too).So just in the same thought ful process as satan asked ,I asked myself “what practical way can I improve my mind status at least if I can’t totally clear the table.
And ‘pop’ comes the idea, like a bulb on ma head (now I feel like the moment in cartoons where the light is shinning on me, eyes pooping, big grin and a acending chorus on G note as soundtrack).
So I turned to the ideology of  LIGHT HYPNOSIS. (“he is losing it “i hear you say,but just wait nah!)
All I did was to create another circle for myself –cutting off early morning radio addiction, and several other things I listen to or watch –( am not so good at reading the bible so I presume this new circle will lead me to attentive reading).Selected audio messages on  of preferred preachers and motivators, worship songs and then I created a loop –over and over I listened to them, (it was so crazy that when I sleep I hear the messages from my subconscious, I see words in text). even when am not listening I still play it ,I might catch a helpful word or phrase –who knows-

Ok so the hypnosis is proving successful, my mind was beginning to replace words in my head – am driving am listening to the audio messages, am walking am listening, am working am listening …….(get yourself a ipod maan)
Gradually   my mouth started speaking what I’ve been listening to .nevertheless distractions came ,quite challenging being regimented but I kept the circle. soon enough I felt a part of the junk  signing out or shifting aside to allow room for more positive grounds. Its almost like when you enter a commercial bus and you have to nicely tell the passengers to adjust further for you to sit well.

After several weeks of this continuous experiment, it dawned on me the part in the bible where paul  spoke about renewing of the mind-“…….but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,so that you may prove what is good,…….” Rom 12:2
Waow how practical and logical, see am already trying to PROVE the perfect will of God.
So as satan actualized those plans (1st paragraph), God had already planned his coming to reincarnate himself to justify us – Heb 9:19
It was a well COOKED PLAN.
Satan thought his plan was the end – TOTAL CONDEMNATION- (ask Vincent price of thriller to say those words,add some soundeffects to it  and it will sound better)
But really all had been fixed, we just needed to create the circle.
Unless you wanna enjoy wanking yourself to gloom or keep  at the mediocre lifestyle with your negative thoughts, then you better get yourself together and start the light hypnosis.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Bloody artisans


………And the rain descended,and the floods  came ,and the winds blew,and  beat upon that house ; and it fell:and great was the fall of it.
                                                                                                      - MATTEW 7:24 – 27.

The mighty wonder I see is the standing eloquence of a skyscraper,the magnificence of such height and complexity is outstanding.more outstanding is the sheer process involved-Foundation, pillars, stages, stages, stages.
A gentle walk around the building site  was all I intended (having sorted the approval),its so hard keeping my attention straight with the dancing of the dust, sounds bouncing all over and workers bumping into me, clambering all over – barely noticing me. not long after wards I observe the labourers slowing down their work pace and looking in my direction.i was almost so sure something wasn’t aright with me,but found none…and the stare continued.
Quick one – stop the music, remove the ear piece and look around- that I did and there stood the module of attention.
He was literarily barking and pointing at a section of the building and referring back to the large blue print at hand. A handful of personnels around him just looked on in witty embarrassment(he was even more enraged by such blankness).He must most definitely be the chief architect.A distant folks around me (looking like remoulded Egyptian mummys in white paste) whispered amongst themselves “oga don start be dat” “no dey wey hin come,na so so complain”.A smile expanded on my face ,the silly fellows thought I was acknowledging their comments-they felt more encouraged.
“bloody artisans, bloody artisans ,cant they listen to simple instructions…..”the chief architect’s voice ranted on.(he must have had the usual experience with the Nigerian artisans)

My thoughts grained back to the structure in front of me and the people working on her,I tried to propel myself to think as the chief architect-he had every right to scream as he wished-time and money has been invested into this PROJECT.I took a rueful grin at some of these nutt cracked head workers ,a couple of them could just be compromising his duties not understanding  why they have to be chary and perfect in approach.

The situation and the structure seems more apprehensive to human growth or resurrection. Angels and demons working side by side on the human structure on different levels (looking like a progressive cornubation).what the enemy intends for bad turns out good.
We grow to have a dozen incompatible philosophies dancing about in our head a fertile construction site for the demons  to be at WORK. Our minds in a phase of doctrines being true or false, Academic or practical, outworn or contemporary, conventional or ruthless.

Aa a living structure that we are ,so many things are at work within us, these things working within us either MAR or MAKE US into a confounding failure or the ultimate structure according to blue print.
Yet in all of this there is a little hole for the devil to awaken our reasoning(nevertheless not his plans to do that ,talk about “all things working out for our good”)
What the devil aims is to make us attend to frivolous universal issues and withdrawing from the stream of immediate sense experiences – reason with me ,when you accredit vast amount of  unskilled artisans to work on a master piece,what do you expect a few years down the line-you’re right TOTAL COLLAPSE.
A quick pause at the base of the structure, throws me to thoughts “WHAT DO I THINK MOST?,WHO OR WHAT IS AT WORK WITHIN ME? –Unskilled ARTISANS OR PROFESSIONALS concluding the answers to that will tell me how my end  future will look like.
Have a great day ya all.

“the wrong perception from the human race
about the demons is to disbelieve  in their existence
,the other is to believe and feel an excessive uninterest
in them.they themselves are equally pleased by both errors.
                                                                                   -C.s lewis (screwtape letters)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

who cares man.

She felt good, he looked he cuddles her away  into the car park, guiding her away from a angry dark blue car driving out. ‘can imagine why the car and driver are angry-“she” (the cuddled one) is left with only 10% of skin covered. Now am distracted by a very endowed fellow walking ahead of another endowed lady in yellow (gush !what a color, good enough for the guy to pace far from her),panting and trying to catch up.(the fellow feels so good with himself laughing)Now I wonder where this couples kicked it off,I just wonder.
As they go out , another supposedly friendly couple stroll into the car park – incredibly “he” does the territorial thing ,hangs his hand over her shoulder (look !she’s mine). It didn’t make any difference anyways she looked too detached,taking a quick glance at the guy's hand and giving him the “what the heck are u doing?”look.

Red and white patterned dressed lady in glasses patiently looks for her car keys while listening to a guy that is adorably looking down on her big b*$#bs  well covered in her light “see me” top, the guy’s mind must be ranting “hurry up with keys, are we going or what?”
A distance always seems to tell it all –afro hair,good looking guy walks into the park, tall slim, and sassy follows casually giving the attitude of “mmmmmhh money well spent, what a crappy movie though” the guy’s attitude says “look ! am done”.

A little down to the left a nice expensive car parks, passenger door opens to reveal a dark obscure lady with blurred makeup giving a puzzled look like “what the heck am i doing here?”. While she’s wandering off, the driver with a good swag stays put in the car, acting busy. one, two, three …………..he’s still there, whatever man… oops just when am about to wander to something else, he storms out to look for her.(a reconsideration act I believe)
I sure do feel like a God from this point of view or a serial killer lurking in the dark for the right prey, watching petulant couples in slow motion.
Aaaawwww what a pity another couple walks by,(friendly walk though)this is a case of David and goliath. The guy being the goliath and the lady david, arms hugging herself, acting cold. Nonetheless the match seems overwhelming(chest upwards, the guy flails his hands in the gist)the girl drops her head giving the body language “you’re so uncaring, just hurry up”
And then the trend did continue from one couple to the other-looking miserable or pretending to be happy- the truth is just there, like the saying goes “the truth is not to be believed fiction is”
If the gate to the park had conditions for couples to enter like “gate opens only for the caring and loving couples” mmmmhhh a whole lot will look pretentiously convincing.

Literarily speaking how many of us try to have the outer body experience (hey! not the cosmic kind, silly you)at the moment when you are with some one you care about and be able to view yourself as a third party, evaluating your actions and reactions.-it would be a good revelation to know how malignant in nature we can be to others. Our words speak brightness but our actions denigrates it’s effects. Like a friend will say “emotions is such a snitch” – gives you up so easily, then you become a live wire(anything could kick start you).

After my jobless imperative evaluations of those couples, I ask the The BIG question – who has more of your EMOTIONS – You  or Your Alter Ego. who gives the best outcome ? (sorry peeps I ain’t your daddy, can’t answer that question for ya,take a trip and find out).

Fingers pointed at you, eyes starring feeling like a wise guy,I ask my thought of concern “how do you show or create the synergy of care?”
The attention is in the details  .Chao

Thursday, February 24, 2011


"Day to day utters speech,and night to night shows knowledge" - Psalm 19:2
Talk about days I had to memorize the whole chapter! Sunday school was like concentration camp. At least that was my perception back then, tender age.
Look at me now, clamoring to grasp and harness the full understanding and power of what I had sneered at back then - Only those who have legs but can't walk can empathize with me.
Okay, allow me use this analogy:
PSALM 19:2 presents to me certain worrisome subjects - TIME and POWER (Hey! Not PHCN, as regards Nigeria. Those guys sure do know how to HOLD the power!)
For the sake of emphasis, I say it again TIME and POWER.

"Day to day utters speech . . . ."-Well, 'DAY' as a constituted element sure does makes a statement, but it is the speech uttered by everything living and moving within the 'DAY' that is of concern here. An aside: An eccentric individual such as Ghadaffi cannot be an exception to this topic.

Everything by default is born of, and borne on the motion of uttered speech day after day. 'Day to Day' of life is a continuous cycle, and the uttering of speech escalates as the cycle progresses - the combination of the two equals TIME - in this context. Interestingly, nothing escapes the probing eyes of the Night.

". . . . night to night shows knowledge" (think of your feaces being used as fuel for plants!) Power, power, power! It's on a creative loop in my mind. What a matrix this is! One cannot work without the other. TIME can't work without POWER and vice versa. (Yeah! Two ooooooold buddies!)

In the book of Genesis, chapter 1, (let me check for the precise verse)
Okay, verses 2 and 3. In verse 2, nothing was in transition i.e. no TIME, no POWER. In verse 3, everything explodes - the utterances begin. "Then God SAID, " Let there be light!" (and mother Nature continues to scream- even now). Over time, (remind me again how old the earth is? Hmm like 4.5 billion yrs) so much has been uttered - i.e. curses, prayers, storm, wind, proclamations, death, vision, growth, splice etc. - by everything in existence, from which all spawn and manifest POWER.

Allow me to engage your imagination:
Firstly, assume that every word, breath, sigh, etc that is uttered by or comes out of the mouth of every living thing represents either an element of life or death, such that each time a sound is uttered, it is either pro-life or pro-death.
Secondly, imagine that each of those utterances is actually tangible, i.e. can be touched and is soluble (can be dissolved), then ascribe to it a quantum of energy - the kind of energy used in physics, such that the energy level of each utterance is determined by the emotion or passion accompanying that utterance.
Thirdly, also imagine that each of these utterances is ensconced in a cocoon, and has the ability to glow or light up and move at varying intensities and speeds depending on the amount of energy it possesses.
Now, bearing in mind that anything having energy, possesses the ability to affect or warp its surrounding environment in one way or the other, and the processes involved and resultant effects can both be measured in terms of TIME and POWER, put it all together and picture this:
Different sizes of bubbles or sconces, containing variations of soluble matter (seeds) that are either pro-life or pro-death are formed, released (uttered) and float away into the air (cosmos), wander around over a period of time, and eventually burst, releasing all their energy (power) which in turn give rise to definitive changes in the environment. Relate this to yourself, and the things you say any-day, anytime. Do you see it?

Humanity, - as I've observed - forgets, not just easily, but habitually - cosmic events, death, life, salvation, weaknesses, war and so on but it is a fact that each day humans utter speech, knowledge is manifested somewhere.
LISTEN, the bottom line (in summary) is as follows, and gulp this quick:
That which you speak is a seed - that seed is matter, and as such has weight, occupies space, and hence possesses energy - IS released and IS planted somewhere, in someone or something by your simple act of uttering it, (much like pollination) - develops a ROOT and germinates in TIME and SPACE, and ultimately gives birth to more seeds bearing a strong resemblance to the one initially released. Most likely, you might have forgotten you ever uttered such, but by the time you realize all this (if you ever stop to ponder it) you have inadvertently supplied energy (POWER) to someone or something for good or evil, by the simple act of making an utterance, and trust me, it's a vicious cycle. (Think about it.)
Remember you're not the only one 'uttering', (saying something) so in your 'night time' especially, (not literarily) discover where or what the knowledge is and let that which you contribute (utter) into the cosmos be positive.
So talk less, listen more.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

It goes without saying that the journey of a lifetime begins with a single step, and it's absolutely impossible for anyone to predict with a 100% accuracy, where the next step a man takes will lead him.
12 am on the 29th of December, I lay on my bed, racking my brain, willing inspiration to come forth from somewhere, so that I could send someone I love so dearly an anniversary message. I ended up dozing off around 2am, and woke up at 11am, utterly daunted when I realized that no great inspiring words had magically flowed through my fingers onto the text page. I was muling over this and my mind drifted into memories, (some really precious ones). The kind of memories that transport you to another place and time and have you relieving experiences that bring a smile to your face. In my own case, the only phrase that could appropriately describe those memories is 'pure joy!'.
Those were rare moments where I saw my friend, not only totally relaxed, but also make it an absolute responsibility to make sure everyone was comfortable, emotionally. And I distinctly remember wondering on one of such occasions, how anyone could forget their demons and just actually enjoy the moment that much. It always made me envious. Looking back, I realized that in some ways, my friend unconsciously exercised some of the most important keys to life and fulfillment in life.
Hmn ............. In the pursuit of happiness. Today not only marks the beginning of a new year, but also the dawn of a new decade, and many (I am certain) are making vows, resolutions, promises, ........... name it. ( I stopped that a long time ago. I ALWAYS failed. So I learnt to rely on God and take one day at a time). Do we ever stop to ask ourselves, the true significance of those goals we try to set every new year? I'll stake a wager, if we actually did stop, take a deep breath and think about it, the reason is to find fulfillment, happiness. Setting those goals are a thing I actually admire, and achieving them? 'Nuff respect! But the truth is, the majority usually make one mistake.
We pursue happiness, contentment, fulfillment and the lot of those ( sometimes seemingly elusive) things like they are a destination. But, me thinks! they actually ARE the journey. They are an ever continuing journey for all sons of Adam, and they lead to only one destination: 'MEANING'
I think it is only possible for a man to make concise meaning of his life, when his life comes to an end, because, then, he's used up the time and opportunities that came his way, he's got nothing really to look forward to any longer, just reflections of what his life was. So he sort of sees the big picture, like a bird's eye view which makes it possible for him (after all the long seemingly meaningless years, filled with confusion) to make sense of the huge puzzle that was his life. Piecing together all the parts, and finally knowing if all the gamble and risk paid off. After which comes 'MEANING'. You know, the " What was the purpose of my life?" and such questions. The happiness? Fulfillment? Etc? They are all attendants to 'MEANING'. We only understand what they really are at the end.
......... in the pursuit of happiness ...... you know, for most of us, the basics of what we desire that life relinquish to us actually never change till the day we die. But the journey (on the other hand) is something we can never predict. So one asks: "How do you prepare?" My answer is very simple:
First and foremost, strive to make certain that at all times, our hearts are in tune with our maker (GOD), putting Him first before anything else in our lives.
Then, arm ourselves with the people and the memories we made and are still making with them. That thing someone did that brought a smile to your lips, that thing someone said, that was so beautiful, you cried, the moment you realized you genuinely loved someone, the silly things you did with your friends .......... All those moments make the difference. After all, we really are empty without memories. I take with me all the time, those I love the most, thanking God as I relieve those moments, and praying to Him to bless me with more. 
One more thing we need to add to our arsenal for this new year is the knowledge that in some way, we touched someone's life positively, for therein lies the true meaning of a man's existence. If the thought of your laughter makes someone laugh, then you have fulfilled your ultimate destiny! For in that moment, you made that person happy. In our journey through life, it's only the lives we touch and the testimony those lives have about us that define the true worth of our time here.
So ....... in the pursuit of happines, another journey begins, titled: '2011'.
Hasta la vista '2010'! Buen viaje en '2011'
Happy New Year!