this multitude

...... Auguries of earth, what cheer ?......

...... auguries of Heaven, bid where ?.....

Thursday, February 24, 2011


"Day to day utters speech,and night to night shows knowledge" - Psalm 19:2
Talk about days I had to memorize the whole chapter! Sunday school was like concentration camp. At least that was my perception back then, tender age.
Look at me now, clamoring to grasp and harness the full understanding and power of what I had sneered at back then - Only those who have legs but can't walk can empathize with me.
Okay, allow me use this analogy:
PSALM 19:2 presents to me certain worrisome subjects - TIME and POWER (Hey! Not PHCN, as regards Nigeria. Those guys sure do know how to HOLD the power!)
For the sake of emphasis, I say it again TIME and POWER.

"Day to day utters speech . . . ."-Well, 'DAY' as a constituted element sure does makes a statement, but it is the speech uttered by everything living and moving within the 'DAY' that is of concern here. An aside: An eccentric individual such as Ghadaffi cannot be an exception to this topic.

Everything by default is born of, and borne on the motion of uttered speech day after day. 'Day to Day' of life is a continuous cycle, and the uttering of speech escalates as the cycle progresses - the combination of the two equals TIME - in this context. Interestingly, nothing escapes the probing eyes of the Night.

". . . . night to night shows knowledge" (think of your feaces being used as fuel for plants!) Power, power, power! It's on a creative loop in my mind. What a matrix this is! One cannot work without the other. TIME can't work without POWER and vice versa. (Yeah! Two ooooooold buddies!)

In the book of Genesis, chapter 1, (let me check for the precise verse)
Okay, verses 2 and 3. In verse 2, nothing was in transition i.e. no TIME, no POWER. In verse 3, everything explodes - the utterances begin. "Then God SAID, " Let there be light!" (and mother Nature continues to scream- even now). Over time, (remind me again how old the earth is? Hmm like 4.5 billion yrs) so much has been uttered - i.e. curses, prayers, storm, wind, proclamations, death, vision, growth, splice etc. - by everything in existence, from which all spawn and manifest POWER.

Allow me to engage your imagination:
Firstly, assume that every word, breath, sigh, etc that is uttered by or comes out of the mouth of every living thing represents either an element of life or death, such that each time a sound is uttered, it is either pro-life or pro-death.
Secondly, imagine that each of those utterances is actually tangible, i.e. can be touched and is soluble (can be dissolved), then ascribe to it a quantum of energy - the kind of energy used in physics, such that the energy level of each utterance is determined by the emotion or passion accompanying that utterance.
Thirdly, also imagine that each of these utterances is ensconced in a cocoon, and has the ability to glow or light up and move at varying intensities and speeds depending on the amount of energy it possesses.
Now, bearing in mind that anything having energy, possesses the ability to affect or warp its surrounding environment in one way or the other, and the processes involved and resultant effects can both be measured in terms of TIME and POWER, put it all together and picture this:
Different sizes of bubbles or sconces, containing variations of soluble matter (seeds) that are either pro-life or pro-death are formed, released (uttered) and float away into the air (cosmos), wander around over a period of time, and eventually burst, releasing all their energy (power) which in turn give rise to definitive changes in the environment. Relate this to yourself, and the things you say any-day, anytime. Do you see it?

Humanity, - as I've observed - forgets, not just easily, but habitually - cosmic events, death, life, salvation, weaknesses, war and so on but it is a fact that each day humans utter speech, knowledge is manifested somewhere.
LISTEN, the bottom line (in summary) is as follows, and gulp this quick:
That which you speak is a seed - that seed is matter, and as such has weight, occupies space, and hence possesses energy - IS released and IS planted somewhere, in someone or something by your simple act of uttering it, (much like pollination) - develops a ROOT and germinates in TIME and SPACE, and ultimately gives birth to more seeds bearing a strong resemblance to the one initially released. Most likely, you might have forgotten you ever uttered such, but by the time you realize all this (if you ever stop to ponder it) you have inadvertently supplied energy (POWER) to someone or something for good or evil, by the simple act of making an utterance, and trust me, it's a vicious cycle. (Think about it.)
Remember you're not the only one 'uttering', (saying something) so in your 'night time' especially, (not literarily) discover where or what the knowledge is and let that which you contribute (utter) into the cosmos be positive.
So talk less, listen more.