this multitude

...... Auguries of earth, what cheer ?......

...... auguries of Heaven, bid where ?.....

Monday, November 29, 2010

HuMan EruPtion

“……..And God said-let the waters under the sky be gathered to one place, and let the dry ground appear.And it was so.God called the dry ground “land” and the gathered waters he called “seas”. And God saw it was GOOD”     Gen 1:9-14
I would have been tagged “senile,he’s disillusioned” if I got to the middle of a sea and said “now see right on this place lies a sandwitch island with great people.(quick reference would be michealangelo who saw a marble stone and said behold here sits moses with the 10 commandments).
It is beyond reasoning to have made a logical conclusion that one of the volcanoes on earth was in progressive obedience of an earlier command –“let the water under the sky be gathered to one place ,and let dry ground appear….”(God spoke of a land that wasn’t there yet.
How thrilling to have spoken something into existence,and not see it yet.Some millions of years ago ,a certain volcano 210  18’  N, 1570  51’ W ,slowly and progressively started obeying the word (call it long term docility) that said “…….Let the dry ground appear” Behold ,an island appears!. Fast track the continuous process of molten lava erupting and solidifying in seconds, (this process looped for about a million years) 
What result do you get?   HAWAII
Hawaii –an island appearing out of  nowhere (kinda reminds of movie visual effects),to many I would be a god if I had predicted the emerging island with all accuracy .by historical fact these emergence process is just one out of many.
Now I come back home with this question? How many more things are yet to emerge by the already spoken WORD of God ?
Now narrowing it down to humans, it means we’re SPOKEN WORDS (If u get what I mean, be smart meeeeeeeeeeeen…….).Imagine you were not yet born,it will not remove or replace the fact that you’ve already been spoken – waiting to EMERGE on the literal terms ,daddy erupts into mummy or man into woman (what an explosion it is!)
Then comes the second stage – you are born only to later start asking the famous question “WHO AM I?” “WHAT IS MY PURPOSE?” (Hawaii as an island must have asked those questions before it was discovered).
Your emerging process continues for another banana years ,this being the SPOKEN WORD still at play ,then you die.yet the spoken word remains active. Summarize it this way  -Born ,Live ,Die.
Please allow me to be interested in the middle one.

What are you Living for?
Your eruptions or other’s eruption (now keep your mind clean,this eruption is not the man/woman eruption,rather it’s the Human lava eruptions)
I beckon not to over emphasize the concept of the SPOKEN WORD but it will do you and humanity some good to ask yourself the question “what am I living for?” afterwards you can return to your questionable routine life ,at least  I have given you a problem to think about.
When you begin to erupt ,and finally emerge you’ll be discovered just as the polynesians discovered and replenished on Hawaii.
The hard part is –how to keep erupting.
Do have a ......... day figuring that out.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Imagine Humanity

Suddenly, I sound like an idea!
The conflict I battle isn't just the concept of my existence or my survival but also the pressure that I am to be someone else’s idea.
Indirectly I have been told, instructed,psyched (whichever one you choose) “You’re just appropriate! Let me make you my IDEA” . I thought I was already an idea (finished one though) from God –“Let Us make man in OUR own image” or “Let Us  make an idea in our own image”.
So if I want to sound all too wise and smart and accept that I am a  product of a good idea, then why should I produce bad results? (question)
There are always whispers from people who don’t see themselves as a manifesting Idea but rather see others as an idea they need to own. Take for example a husband who says “Oh she’s such a good wife …” What he really means to say actually is “Oh she’s such a good idea of mine”.
Perception is reality!
Every body lives the zebra moment. What  is the zebra moment you ask ? It is that moment you finally figure out the stripes on your self. Those stripes define you, and are unique to you alone, the same way your finger print is unique to you alone.(Call it the discovery of PURPOSE).
To others, the zebra stripes look like a good idea. The only problem is that they come with a bucket of paint and brush, wanting to paint over it all. (if you allow it - that is). Much worse is when you are the one with the paint bucket and brush, painting elementary graffiti all over thyself. Trust me, it won't take too long. Soon you will find out that you are so far far f@*kd up! (Sorry my bad).
Question is: in my existence on this planet, who do I prove to that I AM a good Idea, not just a good idea, but a manifestation of a genius' work. A finished and perfect creation of the greatest inventor and innovator ever ? – GOD ? the Devil? my neighbours? or the others?
I hear the 'nag' almost everyday – “You make it sound so easy. You've got yourself all figured out.” No! No! No! Not at all! It wasn’t easy. It took DISCIPLINE and SELF RECOGNITION. Take Jesus for example, - The greatest IDEA that ever existed - he grew up a carpenter ,then had a ZEBRA MOMENT, a turning point in  his life. He  refused to live the 9 to 5-job life and persisted to be that great Idea he was meant to be. HE was offered all the various 9 to 5s (call it a box) from the devil, his people and others but he refused – now call that discipline and self recognition. In his case I could almost hear people say the familiar “You’re just appropriate. Let me make you my Idea”. He had to prove to God, man, the devil and others that he was (still IS) actually THE great Idea!
If God said “Let Us make man (an Idea) in our own image”, and later certified that “it was good”, then we have everything at our disposal to prove that we’re really that good Idea.
Common sense tells me that all Ideas are meant to be good, sometimes not just good, but great. It is really distressing to have knowledge of  individuals that are great Ideas but never transcend that stage of being and idea and translate into the the manifestation of that idea. (talk about fading through life).
Aha! especially this youths of mine…take this with you “Our power to acquire is always a decade behind our power to DESIRE.”
I am thinking, thinking, thinking……     you know what? Just wake up one day and make this decison: I see myself as a good Idea, or ……….
Hell is a reality of your mistakes.    


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Generativity vs Stagnation

From a purely psycho-spiritual perspective, General McChrystal did what everybody within his age range would have done at that stage in their lives. In a way, he is everyman! The challenge with African and world psychology is the failure to realize that at certain points in our lives, our psyche changes (the paradigm shift) and we tend to let our guard down. This could be caused by meaninglessness, stagnation and a search for new values.

The question is, given the same opportunity; will General McChrystal have let Micheal Hastings into his inner circle? The answer is an emphatic “yes.” Why? General McChrystal identified with Micheal Hastings because they had something in common. What did they have in common? They both lost their loved ones to the Iraqi war. While Hastings lost Andrea Suzanne Parhamovich (1978 – 2007) his fiancĂ©e and the subject of his book “I Lost My Love in Baghdad: A Modern War Story,” General McChrystal lost the love and times shared with his family outside bomb shells and war scenes. Both had lost something and they shared this in common. Hence they were able to identify with each other.

Cast your mind back to when a father you know who had once been ferocious, all of a sudden becomes soft and begins to pamper the last child – the child of old age – or even takes it ‘too cool’ for your liking on the grandchildren. The only explanation is that he has lost the drive for and the meaning of all the authority-assertion that used to be his insignia in the family.

This is simply why great and lasting leaders right from bible times have an inner-circle that acts like a buffer between them and the likes of tabloid journalists, preventing them from wrecking havoc in their lives. Consider the relationships between these men; Paul and Timothy, Moses and Joshua. The roles in these relationships could be divided into 'master' and 'armor bearer'. Spiritually, the 'armor bearer' is supposed to shield the 'master' from such unwanted intrusions into their lives, by being there when needed, covering their backs and filling up the cracks the other party is unaware exist in hos or her life. Other examples are husband - wife, C.E.O - personal assistant relationships and so on.

The food for thought today is: “where were General McChrystal’s Aaron and Hur when this happened, what were they doing?” They failed their 56 year old master when he needed to fill the void created by the war while this young 30 year old lad who had the same experience of loss came on board to satisfy his quest for relevance which the government of the day was not providing.
It is also important to note that General McChrystal was Hastings' age (30 Years) in 1984 and was already a Captain. Twenty four years down the line, having reached the peak of his career, he realized that it was not really worth the effort. He could not understand why a younger man, Barrack Obama (former university professor), Richard Holbrooke (a diplomat), Joe Biden (who received 5 students draft deferment and could not even enlist for Vietnam War) and others would see his views about more troops in Iraq as unacceptable. As a result, he went into psychological stagnation and despair.

Erick Erickson, - the prominent developmental psychologist - called this stage of the average man's life, the stage of Generativity vs. Stagnation (age 35 - 65) in his popular book; 'Psychosocial Stages of Life'. This is the stage where the dreaded 'mid-life crisis' occurs. The individual here tries to measure accomplishments and failures and asks: ''Am I satisfied or not?'' ''Will I produce something of real value?'' Here, – this point is important, don’t miss it – there is a need to assist the younger generation, to do something not only generally perceived as moving, but actually does move the younger generation forward. Something that prepares them for that stage in their lives and  makes them capable of rising to the challenges that come with that period of their lives. Once the individual fails to find the 'markers' that add value to those years he or she has spent on earth except for the proverbial ‘four stars' on the shoulder as in the case of General McChrystal, a sense of stagnation which is the feeling of not having done anything to help the next generation sets in. In order to fill the void, guards are let down; walls of partition are brought down and people like Hastings come in for good or bad. We shall be reading of the other reasons from his perspective when his memoir comes out.
culled - God's portion

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What if (part 1)

A quick alternative to your existence.
Born from the soil, yet one and only one. Project your self created only as a body with no soul and spirit.
Soul created seperately. Likewise the spirit in different dimensions.
Would the journey of man not be outrightly different from the way it is now?