this multitude

...... Auguries of earth, what cheer ?......

...... auguries of Heaven, bid where ?.....

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Imagine Humanity

Suddenly, I sound like an idea!
The conflict I battle isn't just the concept of my existence or my survival but also the pressure that I am to be someone else’s idea.
Indirectly I have been told, instructed,psyched (whichever one you choose) “You’re just appropriate! Let me make you my IDEA” . I thought I was already an idea (finished one though) from God –“Let Us make man in OUR own image” or “Let Us  make an idea in our own image”.
So if I want to sound all too wise and smart and accept that I am a  product of a good idea, then why should I produce bad results? (question)
There are always whispers from people who don’t see themselves as a manifesting Idea but rather see others as an idea they need to own. Take for example a husband who says “Oh she’s such a good wife …” What he really means to say actually is “Oh she’s such a good idea of mine”.
Perception is reality!
Every body lives the zebra moment. What  is the zebra moment you ask ? It is that moment you finally figure out the stripes on your self. Those stripes define you, and are unique to you alone, the same way your finger print is unique to you alone.(Call it the discovery of PURPOSE).
To others, the zebra stripes look like a good idea. The only problem is that they come with a bucket of paint and brush, wanting to paint over it all. (if you allow it - that is). Much worse is when you are the one with the paint bucket and brush, painting elementary graffiti all over thyself. Trust me, it won't take too long. Soon you will find out that you are so far far f@*kd up! (Sorry my bad).
Question is: in my existence on this planet, who do I prove to that I AM a good Idea, not just a good idea, but a manifestation of a genius' work. A finished and perfect creation of the greatest inventor and innovator ever ? – GOD ? the Devil? my neighbours? or the others?
I hear the 'nag' almost everyday – “You make it sound so easy. You've got yourself all figured out.” No! No! No! Not at all! It wasn’t easy. It took DISCIPLINE and SELF RECOGNITION. Take Jesus for example, - The greatest IDEA that ever existed - he grew up a carpenter ,then had a ZEBRA MOMENT, a turning point in  his life. He  refused to live the 9 to 5-job life and persisted to be that great Idea he was meant to be. HE was offered all the various 9 to 5s (call it a box) from the devil, his people and others but he refused – now call that discipline and self recognition. In his case I could almost hear people say the familiar “You’re just appropriate. Let me make you my Idea”. He had to prove to God, man, the devil and others that he was (still IS) actually THE great Idea!
If God said “Let Us make man (an Idea) in our own image”, and later certified that “it was good”, then we have everything at our disposal to prove that we’re really that good Idea.
Common sense tells me that all Ideas are meant to be good, sometimes not just good, but great. It is really distressing to have knowledge of  individuals that are great Ideas but never transcend that stage of being and idea and translate into the the manifestation of that idea. (talk about fading through life).
Aha! especially this youths of mine…take this with you “Our power to acquire is always a decade behind our power to DESIRE.”
I am thinking, thinking, thinking……     you know what? Just wake up one day and make this decison: I see myself as a good Idea, or ……….
Hell is a reality of your mistakes.    


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